Napier School SONshine Partnership

July 14, 2023

Matthew 5:16 (CEB version)

In the same way, let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven.

We are redesigning our Grade Level/Classroom Adoption program at Napier School.  Through this program we have learned lessons and have decided to try something new.  First off, we are renaming this part of our Napier ministry…. SONshine partners!!!

Our new program will primarily focus on teacher encouragement and relationships.  We are asking individuals or groups to consider connecting to one assigned teacher for this upcoming school year.

Here are our ideas for connection:

  1. Pray – ask your teacher for any requests for her/his personal or classroom concerns.
  2. Gifts/treats to teacher at Christmas, her/his birthday, cards at other holidays, or little happy as you see fit.  We would limit gift cost to $25 per holiday.
  3. Reach out to your teacher through text/email (whichever she/he prefers) at least 2x a month.
  4. Classroom support: You will not be a “room mom”, but would work with the teacher in support of activities in the classroom, bulletin boards, etc.  (Should the teacher ask for this support).
  5. Potentially be an additional resource person for the struggling students – for example -reading with students, work on sight words, etc.  Whether you can do this yourself, recruit someone or just contact me to find someone.  NOTE:  There are some who may never request any assistance.

Our goal is to have all teachers connected to an assigned partner by August 1.  We would love for our partners to meet face to face at Napier during in-service on August 2.  This would be just a quick introduction to kick off the year.

We would ask that you would let me know by JULY 14 if you are willing to add some SONshine in the life of our teachers on the front line!

Please let me know of any questions.  We want to make this a positive experience for all!

I look forward to working with you in this exciting new program!

Kim Thetford
