New Classes Begin

January 10 9:45 am


Sunday Mornings
January 7 – March 17

*no classes March 10

Intergenerational Classes
All ages and stages of life are welcome.

Community Room 3&4
Prequel to the Prodigal (Stan Smith)
Hope in times of chaos. You can still come home. Theming the message and ministry of Jesus.

Room 212
Church in the Power of the Spirit (Leonard Allen)
Ten Scripture texts and ten personal stories exploring the Spirit’s empowering of the church.

Room 214
What You Didn’t Know You Need to Know About Finishing Well (Robyn Arab)
Join Robyn Arab from Harpeth Hills Resource Center on Aging and other guest presenters in discussing the steps necessary to prepare oneself and your loved one for finishing well.

Special Focus Classes
All are welcome, but content is geared toward specific age, gender, or stage of life.

Women’s Class, Tea Room
Exploration of Hospitality through the Scriptures (Kimberly McCall & Donna Ackerman)

Men’s Class, Library
Biblical Humility (Nick Tenpenny & Ben Powell)
The humility spoken of in Scripture is not just being modest.

College Class, Room 205
Stories of Jesus (Deron Smith & Stuart Fraser)
Engaging stories and teachings of Jesus through Lectio Divina and Imagining a Passage study techniques.

Young Professionals, Room 208
The Way of Jesus: a study of the Gospel of Mark (Hayden Parrish)
We will walk through Mark’s telling of the ministry of Jesus and discover together what it means to follow the suffering Messiah.

Young Couples, Room 210
From This Day Forward (Sherry & Jim Dorris, Lara & Jim Bills)
This class will look at commitments to fail-proof your marriage.

Young Families, Community Room 1&2
Intentional Parenting (Heather & Jason Aston)
A study from the founders of Daystar Ministries, dispelling parenting myths and empowering parents with God’s truth.

Families with Teens, Room 215
Equipping Teens for Success (Holly & Steve Holladay, Jim Anderson)
Discover what may help you prepare your teens for the success God desires for them. This class may include occasional guest presenters.

SALT (Single Adults Living Truth), Room 209
Reading Through Paul’s Epistles (class led)
A discussion of the 20 chapters from Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians.

Wednesday Night
January 10 – March 20

*no classes Feb. 14 (Ash Wednesday Gathering) and March 13 (Spring Break)

Room 212
Male & Female God Created Them (Rubel Shelly)
A Biblical view of sexuality addressing what Scripture says and doesn’t say about LGBTQ issues.

Room 215
Screwtape Letters (Michael Ewing & Mat Waites)
C.S. Lewis’ work gives us the correspondence of the worldly-wise devil to his nephew Wormwood, a novice demon in charge of securing the damnation of an ordinary young man.

Tea Room Women’s Class:
Digging Into Scripture (facilitated by Hannah George) Going deeper into different texts and topics each session making use of podcasts, sermons and other resources.

Room 209 SALT Class:
Live No Lies (Colin Price)
Join SALT (Single Adults Living Truth) for a discussion class using “Live No Lies: Resist the Three Lies That Sabotage Your Peace” by John Mark Comer.

Classes for children and youth and a staffed nursery are offered each Sunday and Wednesday.

New to Harpeth Hills? Attend Discover Harpeth Hills 
January 14 or March 3 / 9:40am / Conference Room

Check this page for the latest class information.