Missions Giving Sunday

October 27, 2024

The Harpeth Hills church family financially supports local and global Mission Partners who make the name of our Lord known as they minister to God’s people. On Sunday, October 27, we are holding a Special Contribution to complete the 2024 budgets for both Local and Global Missions.

In past years, our church family has faithfully given above and beyond what has been needed. We hope you will prayerfully consider how you can support our efforts to advance the Kingdom of God again this year.

Visit harpethhills.org/missions for more.

Global Partners:

African Christian Schools (Nigeria) + Chosen Seed (Ghana) + Ciudad de Ángeles (Mexico) + Dorcas Ministry (SE Asia) +. Eastern European Missions (Eastern Europe) + Glenrothes Church – Allen Phillips (Scotland) + Great Cities Missions (Central and South America) +  Hacienda of Hope (Ecuador) + Healing Hands International (Worldwide) + Hope for Haiti’s Children (Haiti) + Jon & Arlene Galloway (Scotland) + Jovenes en Camino (Honduras) + Kevin & Benay Blume (Brazil) + NationsUniversity (Worldwide) + Nick & Rebecca LaSpina (New Zealand) + Path of Hope Foundation (Central America) + Pearl House (Ghana) + SAT-7 (Middle East and North Africa) + Seed India (India) + South Pacific Bible College (New Zealand) + The Bridge Haiti (Haiti) + World Christian Broadcasting (Worldwide) + Onward Global Church Planting (Worldwide)

Local Partners:

AGAPE + CarePortal Chinese Student Ministry + Compassion Relief + Disaster Relief + Faith Family Medical + Franktown + Joelton Elementary & Community Outreach + Maranatha + McMurray Middle School Outreach Napier Elementary & Community Outreach + Nashville Inner City Ministry + Room In The Inn + Sneedville Outreach + Tennessee Prison Outreach Ministry + Tusculum Elementary School Outreach + Two Rivers Middle School Outreach UrbanPromise + YES