What Gets God Going?
Rubel Shelly   -  

God At Work Series
Rubel Shelly, preaching

“…the greatest of these…”

Paul cuts to the heart of it in 1 Corinthians chapter 13. The impulse that prompts the work of God is love. He created out of an overflow of intrinsic love. He redeems out of an abundance of sacrificial love. He restores with a love that will not give up or walk away. If we are to do the work of God in the world, it must first be motivated by his original and perpetual compulsion. Without love, the gifts that he has given us turn into ridiculous annoyances at best and weaponized tools of the enemy at worst. Love, it turns out, is the universal gift. Sadly, in a sin-sick world it seems rare. All of this begs the question…are the gifts of the Spirit the same as the fruit of the Spirit?