Day 6 / Luke 11:11-13
HHCC   -  

By Julie and Chase Fisher

“How deep the Father’s love for us, how vast beyond all measure.”

 As we sing these words of praise, it is sometimes easy to gloss over their rich meaning. God loves US, you and me, so much that He gave His only son to pay our ransom.

 In July 2015, we began to understand those words ourselves; we were blessed with a healthy baby girl, and that is when it truly began to click how much more our God loves us. We have spent every day since the arrival of our children giving them the best gifts that we can offer – our time, our undivided attention, appeasement of their physical needs, and a huge portion of our sanity! While we sometimes lose sight of what a good gift is in the hustle and bustle of life, we have God’s words to recenter our priorities. We know how to give good gifts to our children; how much more will our heavenly Father give to those who ask Him? As we approach this Easter season, let us continue to ask our heavenly Father for the ultimate gift of the Holy Spirit. Everything we have given to our children pales in comparison to the ultimate sacrificial love God showed to us when He gave His only son.