Day 35 / Luke 17:20-21
By Luka Pagel
When Jesus was still alive, everyone at the time believed that Jesus would be a great ruler of the Jews, a “political king”. They thought as though he would come down to purge everyone who was against him, and destroy the empire oppressing the Jews, but Jesus said his kingdom can not be observed, but instead, says that it is in your midst. Jesus’ kingdom is within you. His kingdom is there when you drive to school, it is there when you go out for dinner, and his kingdom is there when you can not see it. When bad things happen in your life your eyes can lose sight of God. It is like his name becomes just another word with no significance. You try to search for him, but you can never find him. During these times we wish we could have our “political king”; that his kingdom would be rid of all the things that are hurting us. But it is when you stop searching, and realize his kingdom is already in your midst, that you see him again. God’s kingdom is within everyone, and we are his soldiers. And if we are not fighting for God’s kingdom, what kind of kingdom will we have?