Day 29 / Luke 15:11-24
By Wes Blow
The Parable of the Lost Son
Luke 15:11-24
In the parable there is a father with two sons. The father’s youngest son requests his inheritance early and the father gives as he is requested. The youngest son then leaves the family to go to another country where he lives foolishly and spends all of his inheritance. A famine spreads across the land and the son soon finds himself in squalor, longing for sustenance that the swine are eating. The son, feeling ashamed and embarrassed, reluctantly decides to return to his father to admit his sinful living and to be taken in as a servant rather than a son. The father is overjoyed at the returning of his son and celebrates by killing the fatty calf and having a party.
I believe we can relate with the son in the parable for many reasons. We all have sinned and chosen to follow our worldly desires at one point or another, we all have felt shame and embarrassment once we have realized the error of our decisions, and we all have had the opportunity to return to God and feel his love and mercy.
When the son returned home the father put a ring on his finger signifying that he had been fully restored as his son, not a servant. This was a sign to all of us of his recommitment to walk in the steps of a loving father. Similarly, we are all lost sons and daughters. Like the prodigal son, we must all be willing to make the confession of sin and return to our loving Father. The Lord gives us each an open invitation to change our ways, and to walk with him on our journey. If we choose to do this, the Lord will always walk with us.