How God Sees You
Rubel Shelly   -  



Text for This Study: Psalm 8

1. This video begins with the statement: Human beings can see ourselves correctly only when
we see God correctly
. What do you understand that to mean? Do you see the point of
making that claim? Do you agree or disagree with it?

2. What does the term “self-esteem” mean? Is it a biblical concept? How is it contained in this
psalm? How does one’s view of God affect his or her sense of personal worth and dignity?

3. Read Exodus 3:1-15 for an interesting exchange about the covenant name of the God of
Israel. Explain the significance of the name Yahweh. What does the third commandment of
the Decalogue have to say about the use of the divine name?

4. Explain the view of human beings as “a little lower than the heavenly beings.” Is this an insult
or an affirmation?

5. C.S. Lewis has pointed out that Psalm 8 is used of Jesus in Hebrews 2:6-9 and points to
eternal triumph over evil for humankind. Jesus is himself “the Man, the archetypal Man, in
whose suffering, resurrection, and victories all men (unless they refuse) can share.” What
do you understand Lewis to mean by that?

6. Psalm 8 is sometimes called a Royal Psalm – a psalm that praises Yahweh as King over his
people. Why not try your hand at writing a short psalm of praise to God in your own words?

The universe reveals God’s glory. Aren’t humans just specks of dust in this vastness? Physically,
yes; yet we fill the mind of God (verse 4). The astonishment of the psalmist should be ours: Why
should God care about us? Because he has made us in his image and given us the world he
created to care for as his agents. Living with care for the land, sea, and air and all who live
there, and doing justice for every human being stamped with his image, brings God glory. As a
human race we are not doing this very well! But Jesus has come, and eventually the world will
be under his feet (verse 6; Hebrews 2:5-9) and then everything will be made right.

[Tim and Kathy Keller, The Songs of Jesus: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms (New York: Viking Press,
2015), p.12.]